Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Pete Aguilar

Democratic Representative of California's 31st District

Unit 4 - Part 1

A typical orange grove, like that
in Aguilar's district
Hey, it's me, Pete AguilarPete Aguilar was a city council member and a mayor of the city of Redlands City. While raising over two million dollars, his biggest political contributors are all five thousand dollars or less. He has recieved multiple contributions from unions and agricultural PACs. Aguilar represents California’s 31st district, which contains the city of San Bernardino, the outlying suburbs, and the fruit growing agricultural area around. This means he is an agriculturally based, suburban, Democratic representative. Aguilar has served for three terms in congress. He is a member of the House Committee on Agriculture. He is likely to oppose the ENCRYPT Act of 2016 because of his district’s involvement in the recent San Bernardino shooting, and the debate about breaking into the shooters iPhone. His constituents likely would try and ban encryption in some forms. He is unlikely to support the Aviation Innovation, Reform, and Reauthorization Act of 2016, because of his party affiliation. He is likely to support the Sentencing Reform Act of 2015 based on his voting record on other criminal justice reform bills.
Congressman Pete Aguilar

Thursday, March 3, 2016

Mitt Romney Makes Comments About Donald Trump

Mitt Romney: Donald Trump "a phony, a fraud"



Mitt Romney made comments about Donald Trump in a statement to the media today. His main message is warning and pleading voters in the Republican political party to not vote for the exceedingly popular real estate magnate. The former Republican Presidential Candidate, Mitt Romney, urges voters that "His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University," and that "Donald Trump is a phony, a fraud." Donald Trump responded in his usual battery of hyperbolic twitter rantings, calling attention to the loss of Romney in the 2012, saying that Romney ran "one of the worst races in presidential history." 

These comments come from the increasingly scared Republican party establishment. As Donald Trump continues amass delegates from his caucus and primary wins the establishment that Trump has so effectively ran against is desperately trying to get someone they can predict and control in The White House. According to this article there is even talks of people approaching former Texas Governor Rick Perry to run a third-party bid in this Presidential race. The party is desperate for a candidate that they like, and it doesn't seem like they are likely to get one this race. These fissures in the Republican Party are not good signs for it's future in the next few election cycles. We may very well see the end of the modern Republican party within our lifetimes.